— Welcome, I'm Tamieka Lee

A Little About me

“We are a sum total of what we have learned from all who have taught us, both great and small” Dr. Myles Munroe, Understanding Your Potential

I firmly believe that the best lessons are learned through a personal willingness to glean the best from even life’s worst circumstances. It was my grandmother’s protection and nurturing nature that helped shield me from the drug and alcohol addictions of my parents. My father’s untimely death was a reminder that time is of the essence. The loss of my mother to cancer added another layer of strength and perseverance to the development of my character. By God’s grace, adversity never caused me to break stride. Rather than loss preventing the achievement of success, I learned to develop strategies for pursuing greatness in the midst of challenge and heartache. Now, I find fulfillment in leading clients and audiences in doing the


By faith I proclaim that the goodness of God continues to carry me through every storm. I am blessed with the heart of a warrior and the sage wisdom of one who knows all things have the potential to work out for my good. Today, my deepest passion is empowering others to plan for successful, purposeful living. Dreams are meant to be lived, so I call audiences to action. Whether it is a women’s conference, corporate function, or on a renowned university stage, I boldly speak with authority, sincerity, and humor to compel listeners to plan for success and execute in excellence. Because servant leadership is my aim, I am a life learner who dedicates time and resources to furthering my education, deepening my faith walk, and preparing to inspire others to the point of life transformation. I candidly share my life experiences as proof of one’s ability to use life’s mountains as stepping stones. My goal is to inspire all to live and lead from within with purpose.

I am available for

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Academic Coaching

Personal Devleopment

Christian Coaching

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Unlocking Potential

Successfully Navigating College

Becoming an Overcomer

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